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This section covers the initial installation steps you will need to complete in order to use ClyphX Pro. Please take your time when completing these steps. If you should run into trouble when performing any of these steps, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Installing ClyphX Pro

Please refer to ClyphX Pro Installation Guide.pdf for information on how to install ClyphX Pro. Once installation is complete, please launch Live to complete setup.


ClyphX Pro Installation Guide.pdf is included with your download of ClyphX Pro.

Live Settings

The following settings will be found in Live's Preferences on the Link, Tempo & MIDI tab.

  1. Select ClyphX Pro as a Control Surface.
  2. Leave the Input and Output set to None for now.

NOTE: ClyphX (the defunct precursor to ClyphX Pro) should not be selected as a Control Surface when using ClyphX Pro.


In addition to the included user manual, Live Lessons including example Sets are also provided. After installing ClyphX Pro, you can access the Lessons using the following steps:

  1. Show Help View by selecting Help View from Live's Help menu.
  2. Click the home button (rightmost button at the top of Help View) to return to the front page of Help View.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of Help View and click the Show all built-in lessons link to show the Table of Contents.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the Table of Contents and you'll find the ClyphX Pro Lessons.

Next Steps

After completing installation and setup, you should verify that ClyphX Pro is working correctly. The first indicator that ClyphX Pro is working correctly is that you'll see a colored ring around the selected Clip Slot in Live. If you don't see this, please double-check that you've completed the steps listed above. If you do see the colored ring, add a Clip to your Live Set and name it [TEST] METRO. Then launch this Clip and it should toggle the state of the Metronome. If so, everything is working and you can get started using ClyphX Pro in more interesting ways. However, before doing so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Core Concepts of ClyphX Pro.