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Action Reference

The following sections provide information on all of the Actions that are available in ClyphX Pro.

You can also access these sections from the left sidebar or the menu.

Global Actions

Allow you to control Live Set-wide properties and functions as well as access internal ClyphX Pro features.

Scene Actions

Allow you to manipulate and Launch Scenes in various ways

Allow you to navigate a Live Set and control views.

Broswer Actions

Allow you to load items from Live's Browser and control hotswapping.

MIDI Actions

Allows you to send MIDI message from the output ports of ClyphX and XT scripts.

Track Actions

Allows you to control parameters, properties and functions of Tracks.

Device Actions

Allow you to control parameters, properties and functions of Devices

Simpler Actions

Allow you to control parameters, properties and functions of Simpler.

Device Chain Actions

Allow you to control parameters, properties and functions of Device Chains as well as Drum Rack Pads.

Drum Pad Actions

Convenience Actions that allow you to apply Device Chain Actions to the visible Drum Pads in a Drum Rack.

Snap Actions

Allow you to store and recall Snapshots (Snaps) of Track and Device settings.

Snap Legacy Action

Legacy action with some differing functionality to the modern Snap Actions.

Clip Actions

Allow you to control properties and functions of Clips.

Clip Loop Actions

Allow you to manipulate the Loop of a Clip in various ways.

Clip Cue Action

Sets the Cue point (position to play from) for a Clip

Clip Envelope Actions

Allow you to manipulate the Envelopes of a Clip in various ways.

Clip Envelope Capture Action

Creates Envelopes in the Clip for the current settings of the associated Track’s mixer and/or Devices.

Clip Note Actions

Allow you to manipulate the Notes within a Clip in various ways.

Control Surface Actions

Allows you to interact with hardware Control Surfaces in various ways.

Push Actions

Allows you to interact with the Ableton Push 1 and Push 2 in various ways.

CrossFire Actions

Allows you to interact with the CrossFire Control Surface Script in various ways.

Aresnal Actions

Allows you to interact with Arsenal-powered Control Surface Scripts.

DDC Actions

Allows you to interact with DDC Control Surface Scripts in various ways.